This game is based on the original "Pong Kombat" by Stefan Gagne of Gagne Software for the PC and Mortal Kombat 3.
Start Button: Space Bar
Quit: q
Player 1 Controls:
Left: a
Right: d
Down: s
Up: w
Action Key 1 (Punch): 1
Action Key 2 (Kick): 2
Player 2 Controls:
Left: l
Right: '
Down: ;
Up: p
Action Key 1 (Punch): ]
Action Key 2 (Kick): \
To control the vs screen kode boxes
boxes 1-3
are controlled by Player 1 with (left/down/right) keys
boxes 4-6
are controlled by Player 2 with (left/down/right) keys
Note: if you hold up when you hit the keys, the pictures will go in reverse order
REGISTRATION INFO... (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
To register Pong Kombat 3, just email me at
and I will send you the register kode for FREE. This will allow you to play as the center paddle - just like in MK3, but it's not smoke (personally I think smoke sucks). Plus it will unlock a few other secrets.
My homepage is at.....
(Can you find the hidden PK3.faq?????)
System 7.0 or higher
256 Colors
Resolution of at least 640x480
The only characters with fatalities are Shang Tsung, Sindel, and Liu Kang.
There are 37 Kombat Kodes
All characters have at least 1 special move
I still plan on adding a few more moves and the rest of the fatalities.....but of course this will take me some time to complete (basically I still have to draw everything)
however..if i get a fairly large amount of repsonses, I will attempt to finish it up a little faster
questions or komments send to me at: (i prefer this address)